Funk Drivetrain Parts & Repair Services
Funk - Authorized Service Center
Bull Powertrain is your go-to authorized distributor for Funk drivetrain parts and components. Funk caters to the off-highway industry with their top-tier transmissions and axles, go-to choices for many leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). We assure you that our dedicated team works relentlessly to ensure the highest level of satisfaction and optimal performance for your equipment.

At Bull Powertrain, we commit ourselves to delivering exceptional OEM parts and repair services, along with new and restored Funk drivetrain components. Additionally, we offer repair services for all Funk off-highway drivetrain components. Whether it's a Funk transmission, axle, or even a Funk pump drive that needs attention, count on Bull to get your equipment back to work with minimal downtime.
Need a replacement for your DF250 or DF150 transmission? We have complete, genuine FUNK rebuilt units on our exchange program and brand-new units in stock. Contact us for more information!